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How to access your strawman account 2025 Form: What You Should Know

Filed under Social Security · Social Security Trusts · Trustee Accounts, • Social Security, Benefits, and Taxes — An Overview of Trustee Accounts • Social Security Trustee Accounts — How Trustees Control Their Accounts • Do Trustees Have the Right to Reimburse Social Security Benefits to a Deceased Trustee? | Social Security, Tax, and Trusts Blog  The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that people can have trust assets but must have been given the right to revoke them. As of 2025 the federal government, through the IRS, provided tax-exempt trusts (for those eligible for the trusts) by filing their tax return with each beneficiary's Form 1041. As shown in the chart below, there are at least 5 kinds of trusts: If an individual dies and his money is distributed to relatives, the individual is typically granted the right to revoke the assets (called a revocation). To revoke it, the individual had to provide proof that the trust assets were his or her own personal property. The IRS had to file Form 3812, the “Revocation of Trusts.” The IRS revoked the trust of John Doe and John Roe, Jr., on June 18, 2006. Under the federal regulations, revocation of a trust requires proof that it wasn't earned solely for benefit of the person named as the beneficiary. A revocation must show that the trust assets were given away, not earned, directly or indirectly, for his or her benefit. A “direct gift” is anything given by a person who gives the trust assets only in exchange for his or her salary or other gain of gain. An “indirect gift” is anything given by a person who indirectly gives the trust assets or receives income from the trust. The IRS lists three ways the trust could have been earned, without any earnings, and two ways the trust could have been earned, without having any income. The trust assets would have been “earned for” an individual if: 1. It benefited a person who later died. 2. The investment income was received as a result of a contract between the individual who received the trust assets and the person or estate designated by the individual for the sole purpose of receiving the income. 3. The earnings on the trust were not made from property other than the trust itself, as required by the provisions of the trust. 4.

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